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Accident on a rented car: how to avoid a dangerous situation and what to do if an accident still occurred

An accident on the road is in any case a nuisance, even in the absence of casualties and minimal damage. If the driver is driving his vehicle at the time of the accident, he usually knows what to do next. But what if the accident happened on a rented car. Many questions immediately arise:

  • who needs to cover the damage;
  • whether the car rental office will file a claim for the losses incurred;
  • what will happen to the driver of the rented car if he is found guilty, etc.

For general educational program and peace of mind, when planning to rent a car, consideration of these issues should be given special attention.

What points to consider in order to avoid accident of a rented car

Maneuvering along the road, one should not rely on a wide driving experience, attentiveness and quick reaction. After all, there are a lot of people on the road and with a high degree of probability some of them are poorly acquainted with traffic rules or believe that these rules do not concern them. As a result, you can get into an accident on a rented vehicle literally out of the blue.

Accidents of this kind are difficult to control. But each driver can increase the chances that the rented car will return to the car rental point safe and sound.

First of all, the selected car should be inspected for malfunctions. Employees of rental companies in this regard may be negligent or inattentive. It is necessary to take into account the human factor.

Next, you need to understand the issues related to insurance claims related to a rented car. This is not an extra precaution, but a guarantee that in the event of an accident the driver will be under legal protection even if there is guilt. From a psychological point of view, getting acquainted with the insurance gives the driver additional confidence on the road.

Important! Car rental insurance should not have a limit on the number of drivers.

Regardless of how long it is planned to rent a car, for a day or for a long period, it is necessary to take into account all the above points. And only after clarifying the possible nuances, you can conclude a car rental agreement.

Procedure for an accident

If the accident is already a fact, initially you need to recall the instructions on this subject, written in the car rental agreement. These provisions are quite simple to implement:

  1. First, the driver must call the emergency service.
  2. Then you need to contact the rental organization.
  3. After that, it remains to perform the actions specified in the SDA.

Compliance with the sequence of actions in the event of an accident is not so important here than the implementation of all these points. If the algorithm is incomplete, the insurance company may refuse to pay damages. In such cases, the tenant will have to compensate for the possible costs of the rental company.

In addition, the lessee (may) have to pay for the consequences of an accident in a rented car if:

  • it will not be possible to find the defendant who caused the damage (especially true when stealing a car, components);
  • there are no documents from the traffic police confirming the tenant's non-involvement in the accident.

Who usually indemnifies

In most cases, when planning to rent a car without a driver, the tenant, along with the vehicle, receives standard insurance for damage of any kind. This means that even if there is proven guilt, it is not the tenant who will compensate for the losses, but the insurance company. Although, as mentioned, the rules must be followed for this.

Important! Insurance does not always cover real damage. In such cases, the tenant pays the difference.

Also, car rental often includes liability insurance. This type of insurance protects tenants who have an accident from expenses more reliably than owners who have had a similar situation. The liability for the rented vehicle in this case is limited to the security deposit. Insurance will not help if the driver has committed gross violations that resulted in an accident.

It's time to take stock. Even with reliable insurance guarantees, it is possible to rent a car only after checking its operability. And in any case, excluding force majeure circumstances, compliance with traffic rules and attentiveness is the best way to avoid an emergency on the road.

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