General questions
What are the rental conditions for Volvo XC90 in Kyiv?
To rent a car, the customer needs to be over 21 years old and have a driving experience of more than 2 years. In individual cases, rental conditions can be discussed with an increase in the deposit amount.
What is the deposit amount for renting Volvo XC90, and is it possible to rent without a deposit in Kyiv?
The minimum deposit amount is 2 500 USD. Rent without a deposit is possible when using the Full insurance service. What documents are needed to rent a car?
To formalize a rental agreement, a passport and a driver's license are required. Foreign citizens need a passport and an international driver's license.
Are there mileage restrictions per day?
There is a limit of 350 km per day. Volvo XC90 rental without mileage restrictions is available for orders of 4 days or more.
What is the rental cost for Volvo XC90?
The rental cost for the Volvo XC90 model starts from 85 USD per day. Contact company managers at the phone number +38 067 329 26 26 for current rates and rental conditions. What to do if I damage the car?
In case of damage to the Volvo XC90 car, contact our manager immediately and follow their instructions. All our cars are fully insured, so do not worry.
Can multiple people drive the car?
Yes, when formalizing the rental agreement, specify the details of the second driver - this service is provided free of charge.
Can I rent Volvo XC90 for a legal entity?
Yes, we cooperate with legal entities and provide the opportunity for non-cash payment with VAT.
What payment methods are available?
You can pay in cash at our offices, non-cash with VAT, and also pay for services by bank card.
Can I order the delivery of Volvo XC90 to the airport or around the city?
Yes, we have a paid service for delivering a car to any point in Ukraine. The cost is calculated individually depending on the place of delivery.
Can I travel abroad on a rented Volvo XC90?
Yes, you can travel abroad on Volvo XC90. For this, we provide the necessary documents, such as a power of attorney for driving abroad and insurance.